Cristóbal Colón, de oficio… descubridor

Una película de Mariano Ozores

Writer: Juan José Alonso Millán
Music: Teddy Bautista, Pepe Robles
Photography: Alejandro Ulloa
Cast: Andrés Pajares, Fiorella Faltoyano, María Kosti, Rafaela Aparicio, Ángel De Andrés,Roberto Camardiel, Quique Camoiras, José Carabias, Alberto Fernández,Antonio Garisa, Manuel Gómez Bur.
Production: Constan Films S.A


A witch predicts a man that the son he and his wife are expecting will be navigator. The boy, Christopher Columbus, travels very soon from Genoa to Portugal, but the king of that country wanted to take everything and, thus, the future Admiral enters Spain in search of help to cross the seas.

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